GPU-accelerated, C/C++ neural network library.
▼ examples | |
▼ mnist | |
main.cpp | Source file containing an example usage of the library for digit recognition |
▼ titanic | |
main.cpp | Source file containing an example usage of the library for the Titanic dataset |
▼ include | |
allocation.h | Header file to declare common functions regarding memory allocation on host |
cache.h | |
functions.h | |
layer.h | Header file declaring the Layer class |
loss.h | Header file declaring different loss functions |
metric.h | Header file declaring different metrics |
network.h | Header file declaring the Network class |
onehot_encode.h | Header file containing the declaration of the oneHotEncode() method |
read.h | Header file declaring methods that can be used when reading from files |
runtime.h | |
session.cuh | Header file declaring the Session class |
tensor.h | Header file declaring the Tensor class to represent multidimensional arrays |
tuple_utils.h | |
verify.cuh | Header file declaring methods used for verifying the existence of a CUDA runtime |
▼ src | |
▼ ann | |
▼ losses | |
binary_cross_entropy.cpp | Source file defining the methods of the BinaryCrossEntropy class |
categorical_cross_entropy.cpp | Source file defining the methods of the CategoricalCrossEntropy class |
loss.cpp | Source file defining the methods of the Loss class |
mean_squared_error.cpp | Source file defining the methods of the MeanSquaredError class |
▼ metrics | |
binary_accuracy.cpp | Source file defining the methods of the BinaryAccuracy class |
categorical_accuracy.cpp | Source file defining the methods of the CategoricalAccuracy class |
metric.cpp | Source file defining the methods of the Metric class |
layer.cpp | Source file defining methods of the Layer class |
network.cpp | Source file defining methods of the Network class |
▼ exceptions | |
different_data_location_exception.cpp | Source file defining the DifferentDataLocationException class |
different_data_location_exception.h | Header file declaring the DifferentDataLocationException class |
size_mismatch_exception.cpp | Source file defining the SizeMismatchException class |
size_mismatch_exception.h | Header file declaring the SizeMismatchException class |
unexpected_cuda_call_exception.cpp | Source file defining the UnexpectedCUDACallException class |
unexpected_cuda_call_exception.h | Header file declaring the UnexpectedCUDACallException class |
unsupported_operation_exception.cpp | Source file defining the UnsupportedOperationException class |
unsupported_operation_exception.h | Header file declaring the UnsupportedOperationException class |
▼ gpu | |
allocation_gpu.cu | Source file defining methods regarding memory allocation on device |
allocation_gpu.cuh | Header file to declare common functions regarding memory allocation on device |
assert.cuh | Header file declaring the gpuAssert() method |
verify.cu | Source file defining methods used for verifying the existence of a CUDA runtime |
▼ math | |
tensor.cpp | Source file defining methods related to the Tensor class |
tensor_operations_on_device.cu | Source file defining tensor operations that happen on device |
tensor_operations_on_device.cuh | Header file declaring tensor operations that happen on device |
tensor_operations_on_host.cpp | Source file defining tensor operations that happen on host |
tensor_operations_on_host.h | Header file declaring tensor operations that happen on host |
▼ runtime | |
cache.cpp | |
runtime.cpp | |
▼ utils | |
allocation.cpp | Source file defining methods regarding memory allocation on host |
location_verifiers.cpp | Header file defining methods to verify multiple DataLocation at once |
location_verifiers.h | Header file declaring methods to verify multiple DataLocation at once |
onehot_encode.cpp | Source file containing the definition of the oneHotEncode() method |
printing.cpp | Source file defining methods to construct useful string messages |
printing.h | Header file declaring methods to construct useful string messages |
read.cpp | Source file defining methods that can be used when reading from files |
session.cu | Source file defining the Session class |