GPU-accelerated, C/C++ neural network library.
CAdd | |
CAddBroadcast | |
CBackwardFunction | |
CBinaryAccuracy | The implementation of binary accuracy |
CBinaryCrossEntropy | Class representing the Binary Cross Entropy |
CCache | |
CCategoricalAccuracy | The implementation of categorical accuracy |
CCategoricalCrossEntropy | Class representing the Categorical Cross Entropy |
CDifferentDataLocationException | Exception to be thrown where operands are located in different places |
CDivide | |
CEpochProgress | Structure to contain information about the current epoch |
CExtractType | |
CExtractType< i, tuple_element_t, wanted_element_t, true > | |
CFunction | |
CHadamard | |
CIsWantedType | |
CIsWantedType< wantedType, std::tuple< Types... > > | |
CLayer | Represents a single layer of a neural network |
CLog | |
CLoss | Abstract class representing a loss function |
CMatmul | |
CMatVecMul | |
CMeanSquaredError | Class representing the Mean Squared Error |
CMetric | An abstract class to represent metrics |
CMulConstant | |
CNetwork | Represents a neural network |
CReLU | |
CRuntime | |
CSession | Contains information about the current session |
CSigmoid | |
CSizeMismatchException | Exception to be thrown where operands are different shapes |
CSubtract | |
CSumReduce | |
CTensor | Class to represent multidimensional arrays |
CTranspose | |
CUnexpectedCUDACallException | Exception to be thrown when a CUDA method was called despite no CUDA/GPU support |
CUnsupportedOperationException | Exception to be thrown when an invalid operation is to be performed |